Analog to Digital Conversion Most real world data is analog. Whether it be temperature, pressure, voltage, etc, their variation is always analog in nature. For example, the temperature inside a boiler is around 800°C. During its light-up, the temperature never approaches directly to 800°C. If the ambient temperature is 400°C, it will start increasing gradually to 450°C, 500°C and thus reaches 800°C over a period of time. This is an analog data. Signal Acquisition Process Now, we must process the data that we have received. But analog signal processing is quite inefficient in terms of accuracy, speed and desired output. Hence, we convert them to digital form using an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). Signal Acquisition Process In general, the signal (or data) acquisition process has 3 steps. In the Real World , a sensor senses any physical parameter and converts into an equivalent analog electrical signal. For efficient and ease of signal processi...
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